You may have heard the term “gut health” used fairly often. Gut health, describes the function and balance of bacteria of the many parts of the gastrointestinal tract. If you have an un-healthy gut, symptoms may include indigestion, stomach aches, gas, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea, dermatitis, and so much more.

A great way to achieve a healthy gut, is to take a daily probiotic. Probiotics have so many benefits! They are good for all ages, and we highly recommend healthy children take probiotics. Many children have gastrointestinal issues due to either being put on antibiotics or due to drinking cows milk, which can often contain traces of antibiotics. These children will have bouts of diarrhea, chronic constipation, and can be very finicky eaters.

The benefits of kids taking probiotics are as follows: Probiotics can help boost the child’s immunity by maintaining the gastrointestinal flora balance in the child’s gut. Antibiotics, when taken by a kid, generally destroy the good as well as the harmful bacteria, causing gastrointestinal distress.

Probiotics also help stave off communicable stomach viruses, and have even been proven to help decrease the risk of respiratory viruses, and decrease the severity of eczema and other types of dermatitis.

There are so many more benefits to a daily probiotic! While we do believe they are good for almost everyone, and that they can most certainly be life changing for a child who suffers from chronic gastrointestinal issues, we encourage you to do your own research, stop by the health food store, or speak to a physician or holistic practitioner. We think you will find probiotics to be the quick, easy cure for a lot of the symptoms you or your child may be suffering from.