Blog 31

Exploring Wellness as a Whole: My “Why”

As 2023 came to an end, I found myself reflecting on the various aspects of my life and well-being. As I stated exploring wellness as a whole, it became evident that achieving balance in all areas would be extremely difficult if I didn’t start out by stepping away from all the noise to focus and think on each IDEA, instead of trying to implement new habits that, ultimately, would get tossed aside when life isn’t going according to plan. I also realized that achieving this balance, while it will take a lot of work, is the key to fulfilling and…


Fibromyalgia: Massage Minutes, Episode 6

On this episode of Massage Minutes, Alisha talks about things that can help relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia. What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes wide spread pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas. However, I, personally feel it is so much more than that. Over the course of my 14-year career, as a licensed massage therapist, I have encountered MANY people diagnosed with this life changing disease. Not only do they have the symptoms listed above, they, oftentimes, have several other symptoms, as well. These symptoms can include: Sensitivity to environmental triggers, such as cigarette smoke,…


Hot Stone Massage: Massage Minutes, Episode 5

In this episode of Massage Minutes, Alisha describes the benefits of a hot stone massage. What is a Hot Stone Massage? Hot Stone massage therapy is a massage modality that includes the use of heated stones. At Spa 31, we have chosen to use Himalayan salt stones because they have so many therapeutic benefits. Himalayan salt stones contain 84 naturally occurring minerals. The minerals provide a gentle exfoliation on the skin, making the skin feel smooth and soft, after the massage. Himalayan salt stones give off negative ions, which will help decrease inflammation. What should I expect? Our hot stones…


Couples Massage: Massage Minutes, Episode 4

In this episode of Massage Minutes, Alisha gives information about couples massage therapy sessions. What to Expect During a couples massage, at Spa 31, we bring two people into our couples massage room. In this room, we have two, separate massage tables, where you will each have your own massage therapist. Just like a typical massage session, each client will have the opportunity to discuss any pain issues, tension areas, or concerns. Your therapist will take the time to answer questions, talk to you about what kind of pressure you want, and how to disrobe and get on the massage…


7 Kinds of Rest

In a TED Ideas post, Saundra Dalton-Smith insists “we go through life thinking we’ve rested because we have gotten enough sleep — but in reality we are missing out on the other types of rest we desperately need” and outlines the seven types of rest that are essential for human flourishing.  1. Physical Rest This is the type of rest we’re all familiar with. But while we know we need to spend a decent number of hours asleep to stay healthy, a vast amount of studies show a large proportion of us still don’t get enough.  2. Mental Rest Are you constantly…


Normatec Compression Therapy: Massage Minutes, Episode 3

Similar to cryotherapy, compression therapy has been around for decades as a medical treatment. Normatec, the device used at Spa 31, actually started as a medical device used to treat a lymphedema, or chronic swelling. The FDA approved compression therapy for this purpose, and it is still used for lymphatic drainage, today. Your circulatory system delivers oxygen, nutrients and hormones to every cell in your body. At the same time, it flushes your system of toxins and metabolic wastes such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid.  The idea behind compression therapy is that by increasing blood flow to specific parts…


Recipes and Meal Prep from a Spa?

Why Are We Sharing This Type of Content? So, we are not professional cooks, at Spa 31, but we do have families we feed each day, so we feel, somewhat, qualified to give some suggestions, when it comes to meal time. Also, it is our belief that it is within our responsibility to offer more than just massage and skincare services to you, in order to help you further pursue your wellness and beauty. Regular professional massage can help your body feel great! Getting a professional facial, regularly, will make you look beautiful! However, if you aren’t taking care of…


The difference between a Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage: Massage Minutes, Episode 2

In this video, Alisha explains the difference between Swedish massage and deep tissue massage. Swedish Massage? Swedish massage is mainly used to promote relaxation and reduce muscle tension caused by every day activities such as sitting at a computer. It is a lighter touch massage that still provides enough pressure to address any pain issues the tension in your body may be causing. Deep Tissue Massage? Deep tissue is a massage technique that is primarily used to treat chronic pain and muscle injury. A lot of people think deep tissue massage is supposed to be extra painful, causing the recipient…


This is my First Massage. What should I expect?: Massage Minutes, Episode 1

On our first episode of Massage Minutes, Alisha shows you what to expect when getting a massage at Spa 31. She explains how you will get on the table, how you will be covered, and what the massage will be like. What Happens when I arrive for my Massage? When you arrive at Spa 31, you will be asked to fill out some intake forms. We will use this information to determine what type of massage session is best for you. The paperwork will ask questions about medical conditions, medications, and stress levels. Your therapist will also go over these…


2021: A Year of Intention and Inspiration

What’s your “word of the year?” This year, I have two words–INTENTION and INSPIRATION. Mostly, I spend my time muddling through tasks as they fall in front of me and doing things that have no point. This year I am planning to make every decision with intention. So, that decision can be spending money to add services to the spa menu, and intentionally helping clients while seeing a return on my investment. That decision could be getting up a few minutes earlier, to have quiet time, with the intention of bringing my best self to the day. Maybe, it is…
